

Monday, June 6, 2011


.....Hmmm, that would be a good name for a garden blog; The Com Post. 
We have been creating a compost pile since moving here and this is our fourth garden.    The area which Sophie had indicated for brush and clippings kept getting added to and then I put the coffee grinds, scraps (not meat), egg shells, old flowers and threw them in and covered with fresh cuttings from the lawn or trees.
I wasn't as careful as I should be about molds and fruit or flora cuttings that were infested so I didn't use the compost until this year.    Now I throw caterpillar nests from the fruit trees in the way of the lawn mower and it mulches them back into another life.    Iris' roots that were infested with borers were thrown in also but the flowers blooming there are pest free so far.
I spent most of the day clearing the brush and jumping on the weave of leaves and limbs.   Flattening out what I hoped would be land fill for the sloping back lot to the Forcythia.   What was underneath was pure black gold.    Dark, worm-filled, soil with just a slight smell of mushrooms.   Success.    I wheelbarrow it up for future plantings as I already composted the garden when tilling.   Corn already needs re-planting for it's two week interval.   Plant every few weeks and we should see corn through the fall starting late July.
      Unless it rains buckets when I work on eBay, I won't get to the spreadsheet for vegetable and berries until post season.   Did find out that I just need to upgrade to make the format compatible for my blog.  Upgrades always cause running problems it seems.    Which reminds me back up those files!
So, I added yellow squash next to the white eggplant in blocks of 4' by 4'.    The corn is Hart seed early white but still doesn't come up for 75 days.    Also put in sweet yellow heritage seeds from last year, will see how they do, 84 days.
Planted 4 Roma tomato plants with Romaine lettuce between.    3 Brandywine tomato plants with Ithica lettuce and one Jet Star.    The tomatoes will shade the lettuce I hope and it will burn out right when the plants need space.    Arugula, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Green and Purple Cabbage, Banana Peppers are on other plot.  
Basil, Majoram, Tarragon, Rosemary, Thyme in front of greens.
Carrots and radishes planted together in rows behind.
All 4 apple trees have fruit, the peach, pear and cherry as well.
  Harvesting asparagus, chives, rhubarb and strawberries.
We haven't sprayed so we will see how that goes.    I only added compost to the garden.  
Fences and laundry baskets on the garden plants.  Today we are away so let's see if the woodchucks will play.  
Happy Monday, glad to be here.

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