

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sun Tea with Raspberries
 My husband sagely suggested that I mash the raspberries with either a wee bit of raw sugar or for him Xylitol when I strain the tea.   O.K., now it's is actually delicious instead of mint flavored water.   
Practicing staying up until midnight so that I can see his show.  The heat wave helps as I worked in the garden until after sunset Purple-headed, ground cover sprung up in the front garden cooling my feet while I dead headed the flowers.
Dead head takes on a whole new meaning for me.

Wine Berry
 Thinking about Mrs. Krigeris that lived behind us growing up.   Her Hosta was tormenting temptation to me as I had to run through and pop all her flowers pretending they were explosives as seen on my favorite T.V. show, "Combat".    Horrible child.   So what the deer eat now makes me chuckle and think Karma, Mrs. K.

Tomorrow it's be nice to-
Mothers who get their children library cards-Day

If I didn't read, I wouldn't have cringed every time Patrick mentioned  Cornell because I spelled my lettuce wrong-it's Ithaca not Ithica
Thank you Joyce Carol Oates "They Were the Mulvaneys".   Like a family story told by a Greek messenger.   Hurts so good.

Now onto a Henry Beston's perfect blend of herbs and words.  "Herbs and the Earth" 1935   Mr. Beston was born in Quincy, Mass. to bi-lingual parents and spoke French fluently.  He attended Harvard College and taught at the University of Lyons.   Married to the poet and children's author Elizabeth Coatsworth he wrote this book while living in his beloved Nobleboro, Maine home.   It's a gem.

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